This year, Lunar New Year falls on January 29th. In the week leading up to this holiday, students at Hope engage in hands-on activities, try special foods and learn all about the symbols and cultural traditions surrounding the celebration of Lunar New Year or Spring Festival. We want to share about one of those traditions: the Red Envelopes known as hóngbāo 红包.
During Spring Festival, it is common for children to give their best wishes to their grandparents and elders and in return, grandparents and elders gift the children red envelopes with money, wishing them good luck in the new year. This traditional exchange between the older and younger generations symbolizes the good will between generations and reinforces family and community ties.
Why red?
Red symbolizes energy, happiness, and good luck in Chinese cultures. By wrapping money in red packets, known as hóngbāo 红包, the hope is to bestow more happiness and blessings. Hóngbāo often feature calligraphy and symbols that represent good wishes, like the character fú 福 for good fortune.
Join Us!
We invite you to participate in this tradition by making a Red Envelope gift to Hope Chinese Charter School. Your Red Envelope gift represents your well wishes for the student(s) at Hope this school year, while also supporting their education and investing in their future.

As a public, nonprofit charter school, we rely on fundraising to pay for our school building, utilities, classroom equipment and more. Your support that enables Hope to remain the #1 Best Elementary Charter School and #2 Best Public Middle School in Oregon on niche.com, and ensures our students continue to perform at the highest levels across the state.
How To Participate
Send cash or check in a Red Envelope to Hope and avoid transaction fees!
You can drop off Red Envelopes at the Front Office or mail them to the school.
If you write a check, please make it out to Hope Chinese Charter School and write “Red Envelope” on the note line.
Every contribution matters.
Your support guarantees that we can continue to provide the high quality academic program we are known for not only this year, but for years to come.
If it is easier to share this with your friends and family via email or text, click here for a digital version of our Red Envelope letter that you can share.
Thank you!