It is time to get your student set up for the Summer Read-A-Thon which STARTS on August 3rd. In this post, you will find info on:

  • how to participate
  • how to donate
  • how to celebrate!


  • STEP 1: Set Up Your Student’s Pledge Page
    Parents/Guardians received an email from [email protected] with a private profile management link to your student’s SUMMER READ-A-THON pledge page. Set up is simple. You can choose to add an image if you want and you can edit the target amount of reading minutes.
  • STEP 2: Share Your Student’s Pledge Page
    Which relatives or family friends want to support your student’s summer reading? Share the link to your student’s pledge page or have your student tell them about their Read-A-Thon goals in person!REMEMBER: Donations can be made via check or cash directly to HCCS. See HOW TO DONATE below for more info.
  • STEP 3: Track Reading Minutes August 3-11
    Students must track their own minutes between August 3rd and August 11th. Parents/guardians will need to enter the student’s daily minutes on their 99pledges private profile management page by August 15th. If you make it a habit to enter their minutes daily, friends and family can visit their profile page to see their progress each day!
  • STEP 4: Log All Minutes by August 17th
    After the Read-A-Thon is over, make sure you enter in your student’s minutes on their 99pledges Private Profile Management page by August 17th. This log is how we will determine the prize winners!


Cash or checks for a flat donation amount can be given directly to the front desk. Please include a note with the student’s name and indicate that the donation is for the Read-A-Thon.

Reminder: If your employer matches donations, you can submit your donation receipt for the Read-A-Thon!

To donate Per Minute Read, and to make an online donation, we are using the donation platform, 99pledges. We use this platform because it is free for us and simple for you to use, while still enabling donors to pledge per minute read (or per lap for the Jog-A-Thon).

! Important Note !

Please remember to read the information when entering your donation online. Here is an example.

Donate Per Minute: You can enter any amount. For example, to donate 50 cents per minute, enter “.50” Per minute.

Tipping is Optional: In the separate grey area below the donation amount, 99pledges asks if you would like to give them a tip.

To opt out, simply select “Other” and then enter “0” in the dollar amount. Please share this information with your friends and family.

Remember, does not charge HCCS a fee to use their platform. Instead, they ask for donations to help them keep their platform running.


Meet us at school between 2PM and 4PM! Let your student pick a few free books to take home and listen in during group story time to earn some minutes for your reading log.

Jade Henness will also have sample reading logs and be available to answer questions about getting set up on 99pledges.

The Back to School Social will be August 22nd. This is a school wide event and our new Head of School – Marilyn Mi – will acknowledge our top readers in each grade bracket (K-2 / 3-5 / 6-8) and hand out prizes.

The top readers will also get to decorate a T-Shirt that Ms Mi will wear for the rest of the night! 

Thanks To Our Sponsor

Our local book store, Jan’s, has generously donated gift cards for our Read-A-Thon winners. We will share more about the prizes and how to earn them at the Kick-Off event on August 3rd.

Click the button below to download our Read-A-Thon flyer with more details on how to participate.


  • Read Together – You can count the minutes your child is read to by an adult or sibling. Take turns reading to another another. For older students, have them read to you.
  • Read Widely – Reading materials can be in English or Chinese, including magazines, science or social studies textbooks, book reports, graphic novels, or any other appropriately leveled picture book, novel, or chapter book.
  • Read For Free – Visit your local library, check the Little Free Libraries (like the one in our school garden), and grab some free books at our Kick-Off event on August 3rd. Returning HCCS students can login to their Level Learning account and read Chinese texts!