Chinese Immersion
HCCS Chinese immersion program develops its own spiral performance-based curriculum to build students’ language abilities from performance toward proficiency. It is based on the national standards for foreign language education published by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The proficiency benchmarks for our Chinese immersion program are established based on World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, ACTFL Performance Descriptors For Language Learners, ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, and NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements.
Program Proficiency Benchmarks

The curriculum learning conveys 6 big ideas through an academic year that become a set of spiral themes across the grades. They are: “Self-Identities”, “Communities and Roles”, “World Adventures”, “Cultural Celebrations”, “Numbers and Facts”, and “Literature Appreciation”. What makes our program different from others is that we create exposure of Chinese literature learning (ancient, classic and contemporary) to the students through authentic and meaningful practice.
With the curriculum study, each grade implements its “routine practice” in the classrooms. The definition of routine practice is an activity focusing on a type of language function (i.e. storytelling, debating, conversation, and describing) and a set of topical vocabulary that have been learned in the past that students will be practicing on a regular and frequent basis, so that they become proficient in one certain skill with the accumulated practice. Students must have learned such language functions and forms with our performance-based curriculum and keep the practice for the proficiency growth
English Language Arts
Early Literacy Vision “We believe that strong literacy skills – reading, writing, speaking, listening – in both Chinese and English are essential in developing academically strong, self-motivated, and globally fluent students.”
Our English Language Arts program has adapted the Amplify CKLA program in kindergarten to 5th grade, and the Amplify ELA curriculum in 6th to 8th grade. This curriculum was selected by a team of teachers who evaluated several ELA curricula using a standardized rubric, and the curriculum began being utilized in the 2023-24 school year.
Amplify CKLA and Amplify ELA were both developed based on the science of reading, which includes best practices for teaching reading and writing based on extensive educational research.
Both Amplify CKLA and Amplify ELA programs integrate reading and writing which are based on knowledge focusing on social science and science units. The knowledge units connect from one year to the next so students’ knowledge will build from year to year. See the image below to see the units students will learn in each grade level.
In K-2 Amplify CKLA has focused units on foundational skills to help build students’ literacy skills in reading and writing. You can view the graphic below to see more on that.
Singapore Math
HCCS uses Singapore Math Common Core edition which balances a conceptual and procedural understanding. The curriculum is designed to drill “deep” into core math skills and focuses on problem solving that is designed to build perseverance.
Philosophy of Mathematics Education
FOSS Science
Our science program uses the Full Option Science System (FOSS) curriculum. The science curriculum includes units in Physical, Earth and Life Science. Twice a week, students will participate in hands on experiments done in Chinese while the vocabulary and content will be reinforced in English.
Wisdom Seekers
HCCS is a multicultural school that embraces diversity. We are committed to creating a culture of inclusion, kindness and respect. We use Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) techniques to integrate a daily practice of empathy and personal responsibility into campus life. The Wisdom Seekers program also provides a deeper study of a set of global citizen capabilities that challenge students to think critically and work collaboratively. We aim to equip learners not only with language skills, but also valuable life skills that can be applied to successful leadership and teamwork in whatever situations their futures bring.
Arts & Music
The Art Literacy program is run through the Beaverton District. Parents volunteer to help present information about the artists. Then the students get to complete a project using methods from the artists they studied. Students will receive an artist biography to bring home.
This year students will have a chance to do watercolor painting as well as using acrylic or tempera paint. We will explore the use of colors through the different projects they put together.