Hope hosts professional development for west coast Chinese language teachers.

October 6 – Over 40 Chinese language teachers from Washington, Oregon and California came to Hope Chinese Charter School for professional development offered by the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS).

As a leader in Chinese immersion education, Hope Chinese Charter School (HCCS) welcomed Ying Jin, an award-winning Chinese language teacher and Executive Director of CLASS, to Beaverton, Oregon to provide professional development for over 40 Chinese language teachers from west coast schools.

CLASS (全美中小学中文教师协会) is a non-profit organization that promotes the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture in the United States. With over 30 years of service, CLASS runs several programs and initiatives including professional development supporting diverse Chinese teaching and learning communities, a National Chinese Honor Society and a National Essay Contest.

At the training were educators from several Oregon schools; the Chinese Immersion School of Eugene, International Portland School, German International School, Portland Public Schools, the International School of Beaverton, and Jacob Wismer Elementary. In addition, educators also traveled from Southern California and Washington. Of course, staff and faculty from HCCS were in attendance, not wanting to miss the convenient opportunity to learn from one of the best.

Ying Jin was named the 2018 ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year. The award “intended to elevate the status of the language teaching profession at the state, regional, and national levels by creating opportunities for recognizing the most accomplished members of the profession.” Jin was also awarded 2017 Teacher of the Year by the Southwest Conference On Language Teaching (SWCOLT), and 2016 Teacher of the Year by the California Language Teachers’ Association (CLTA).

With more than 20 years of experience, Jin has taught Chinese language and culture in diverse settings, including middle schools, high schools, and colleges in both the U.S. and China. She taught Chinese in the Fremont Union High School District in Cupertino, California and is currently the Executive Director of CLASS.

The title of the training was “Cultivate a Solid Foundation in Language Teaching”.

Below is some feedback from attendees:

“The workshops offered practical strategies that I can immediately implement in my classroom, especially the ones focused on how to provide effective feedback to students. It was also great to connect with fellow educators and exchange ideas on best practices for engaging students at different proficiency levels.”

“It was wonderful to have our first in-person gathering for Chinese teachers in Oregon since the pandemic. It was a great opportunity to reconnect, meet, and collaborate with other professionals in the field.”

“I have learned many inspiring ideas from today’s workshop that I’m excited to apply in my classroom right away.”