Bryan has been on staff at HCCS for 5 years and counting. He manages the technology/electronic devices at Hope and assists in analyzing data across various school platforms (yes, he is a proud Excel nerd!).

Bryan is a UO grad and spent many years working as a teacher in Taiwan before moving into project management and business analysis.

He likes playing volleyball, going to the gym, and studying 中文 zhōngwén.

A Message from Bryan

I started learning traditional Chinese my second year of college and later moved to Taiwan where I continued studying. I now practice with my ever-so-patient coworkers and the HCCS community, as well as watch Chinese dramas and listen to Chinese music. If I come across vocabulary that I’m not familiar with, I look the words up, add them to a flashcard app (Pleco FTW), and review the deck in my free time.

I often tell people that I have a love/hate relationship with learning Chinese, as it’s so completely different from English that studying can be difficult and sometimes frustrating (so it goes with learning any language). However, it’s definitely way more love than hate for me! I get a lot of satisfaction pushing through the tough times and celebrating the wins, no matter how small.

In terms of Information Technology (IT), Hope has evolved exponentially over the last couple of years. We’ve taken the school from one small cart of student iPads that was rolled around to different classrooms, plus a handful of donated staff computers to nearly 1-1 Chrome devices for all students and staff. It goes without saying that this could never have been accomplished without our volunteers and contributions from the community! THANK YOU!