Why Read-A-Thon?

Researchers found that children who do not read in the summer can lose two to three months of reading development while kids who do read can gain a month of reading proficiency. With our Summer ReadAThon, we want to encourage students to read so they’re mentally warmed up for all the learning they will do this school year.

Let your students know there will be prizes for those who read the most amount of minutes at our Back to School Social on August 22nd (starts at 4PM).

Invite Friends & Family to pledge per minute! As we begin a new school year, our annual fundraising goal is reset. Donations help the entire school. So let your student know that every minute they read, it will not only benefit them but their teachers and classmates as well!

Of course, all of this means that a student’s reading minutes need to be tracked. You want to ensure you track minutes on 99pledges in order to be eligible for prizes and to earn pledge donations. You can also utilize a paper reading log with your student to help them visualize their progress – and we have some you can print below!

Tracking Minutes

This year, parents/guardians can help students log their reading minutes daily on their 99pledges profile! Here is how you do it:

Step 1: Go to your student’s private profile management page.


You can find the link to your student(s) private profile management page in your email (subject line: “99Pledges: Your Summer Read-A-Thon pledge page).

Click on the “Track” tab.

Step 2: Enter minutes.

Enter the total number of minutes your student read in the boxes for each day.

That’s it! That’s all you need to do.

Reading Log for Students:

Help students track their own minutes so they can see their progress each day. Being able to physically check off a box or add up the numbers can reinforce a sense of accomplishment. We encourage you to use whatever method makes the most sense for you and your student.

To make it easy, we made printable reading logs for various goals:

Click the links to download and print them.


Do your best! You got this!

Review the Summer Read-A-Thon Guide for some tips on encouraging your students to read!